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Unless otherwise expressly specified, the attorneys listed on this Web site are not certified by or certified as specialists or experts by any professional, governmental agency or authority. Designations of our firm's practice areas, expertise, concentrations, or specializations of our attorneys are not intended to

  1. suggest or represent the contrary,
  2. suggest any professional or governmental standard by which such experience is measured, or
  3. denigrate other attorneys or firms in any way.

Although we have attorneys from several jurisdictions, our attorneys are licensed to practice only in those of such jurisdictions designated in their respective biographies. Unless otherwise stated, attorneys in our offices in countries outside the United States are not solicitors or barristers and are not licensed as local attorneys in the jurisdiction in which their office is located.

This Web site is not intended as advertising or solicitation in any jurisdiction where the site would be so characterized and fail to comply with all applicable laws and ethical rules.